Augmented/Mixed Reality Equipment Evaluation – Electromagnetic Inspections

augmented reality mixed reality maintenance construction training

Key Performance Metrics

  • NReduction in Time to Train
  • NImproved Memory Retention and Comprehension

Customer Problem

Understanding and explaining the complexities of electromagnetic inspection is too time intensive & error prone using 2D PowerPoint and text.


To extend the life of equipment (in this case, an aircraft), this Guidance, Maintenance and Repair AR application, built in simpleAR, displays electrical (eddy current) sensor data into the Hololens 2 display to provide the technician with information to detect microscopic cracks on the equipment. In addition to the inspection, the AR application also guides the user how to accurately calibrate instrumentation. The testing is not destructive, so it preserves the integrity of the aircraft.

Ready to learn how simpleAR can help your team?